Regulations you need to be aware about for Tree Removal St Helens Park

When it comes to removal of trees even from a private property you can consider it safe to assume that you will require necessary permission from the local council. There are certain tree protection laws in every Australian state and the requirements for permission also vary from one state to another. Though there are variations in the regulations most municipal authorities require property owners to apply for a permit prior to conduct any major tree work and you need to also keep in mind that in certain states even pruning may require permission from the authorities.

Understanding the removal requirements

In Australia trees those cannot be damaged without approval from the concerned authorities are classified into two categories –

·         Registered trees and

·         Regulated trees

Registered trees: These are the trees those are placed on the register by the authorities due to their individual importance and thus protecting them from all possible human caused damages.

Regulated trees: Regardless of species, trees those qualify to a certain criteria are protected in Australia and property owners can look for these criteria online anytime they want to. Confirming that the tree you want to remove doesn’t come under the regulated category is important to make sure that you don’t land into a legal trouble later on. Some of the criteria for a tree being classified as regulated are

·         Trees those have a height of 12m or above

·         If the circumference of the trunk at a height of 1ft from the ground is more than 1.5m the tree will fall into the category of regulated trees.

·         Trees those have two or more than two trunks and the total circumference of all those trunks at height of 1m from the ground is more than 1.5m

·         If the wideness of the canopy of the tree under consideration is 12m or more than that.

Before you get a tree removed from your property by any Tree Removal St Helens Park service you must get it verified by the professionals that you can actually legally remove the tree and there will be no further consequence.

  Trees those can be legally removed

Though there are restrictions on tree removal and tree pruning but there are also exemptions and if property owners apply to the local authorities for permission citing valid reasons for removal requests can be approved. Let us take a look at the exemptions to the regulations –

·         A tree that is located within 10m of an existing residential dwelling or swimming pool or other important construction or installation can be fairly removed by emergency tree removal kentlyn provided that it is not a Willow Myrtle or certain species of eucalyptus.

·         If the tree is in a medium or high risk bushfire area and within 20m of a residential construction it can be legally removed with permission from the authorities

·         Any tree that is declared a pest plant can be legally removed without permission from the authorities.

·         You can also legally remove a dead tree or a diseased tree that is a risk for your property and is inspected and certified as diseased or dead by a licensed arborist.   


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